Your Bookkeeping Blueprint is all about...
You’ve grown your business from a “maybe one day” idea into a 6-figure empire-to-be. One that’s set for continued scale up…
But those 6-figures didn’t happen overnight. Getting there took work. You’ve spent plenty of days sitting in front of the computer screen, working on growing your biz from your first sip of morning coffee to your last sip of nighttime calm-down tea…
All that work was what got you to where you are today. But you’re wayyyyy past the “hustle and grind” stage of your business.
Here’s a crystal-ball peek into the future of your biz:
You’re an “I’ve already put in the work and made the growth happen” business owner. Which means spending time stressing about finances and hustling to get your books in order is soooo last tax season…
You deserve to hit “submit” on your taxes and feel totally, not-a-doubt-in-your-mind confident that Uncle Sam won’t be sending a red-inked, “we need to talk to you now” letter. Because you KNOW you’ve checked all the necessary boxes and followed every IRS rule…
You deserve to look at your business bank account and see extra dollar signs. Because you’ve maximized your deductions at every stage and have a foolproof and easily repeatable method for keeping more of your hard-earned revenue…
You deserve to feel like you’ve added 3 extra hours to your day. Because you’re no longer losing seconds, minutes, hours, or days wondering “am I doing this right…”, “should I be…”, or “what is normal here…”
Your Bookkeeping Blueprint Has 3 Simple Steps:
Blueprint Step One: Say “no, thanks!” to general best practices and ask what’s best for YOU
You stand out in the business crowd (that’s what got you where you are today!). Until you know how to budget and make projections for your unique business, you could be missing out on the peace of mind that comes from knowing there will be abso-lute-ly zero surprises when tax day comes calling.
Blueprint Step Two: Don’t let fear of supposed “silly” questions hold you back
Letting an accountant in on your “I’ve been wondering about this for a long time!” financial questions is how you cut through the tangled vines of a financial jungle. And find the gold-lined, revenue-boosting El Dorado on the other side.
Blueprint Step Three: Put a single, sanity-saving system in place
When you have one, streamlined and optimized-for-your-biz system, you won’t have to try to find extra time in the day to focus on finances…because you have a trusted advisor in your corner who can take finances 100% off your plate. (Or you know the secrets behind getting your books in order with just 15 minutes a day.)
Meet the architect behind your Bookkeeping Blueprint:
Hi, I'm Ashley!
When I’m not hanging with my pup Penny Lane (hi, Penny!), I use my decade of accounting experience to run Pretty Penny Accounting. We’re a team of number pros and Quickbooks gurus who take all the guesswork and “how do I…?” out of day-to-day biz finances. (While making tax day seem like just another ole day of the year.)
You’re ready to leave all your tax and financial “How do I…” confusion behind IF:
You’re seeing your revenue explode past 6-figures for the first time…and want to get all your financial systems set from the get-go. Instead of having “this is a mess!” regrets down the line,
You’ve tried different softwares, popped plenty of “please help!!” search inquiries into Google, and want to get your business finances untangled. While keeping them untangled for the long-haul.
You’ve already put in the late nights, early mornings, and weekends of work to grow your biz. Now you want to take full advantage of your Business Owner Freedom by putting your hustle sneakers on the shelf for good.
You can’t shake a looming fear about tax day, and have a mini heart attack at the thought of seeing one of those red-stamped IRS envelopes show up in your mailbox.
You’re on the fast-track for continued growth. And know that taking financial stress off your plate and getting your budgeting in order will give you more time and more energy to take those next scale-up steps.
You already spend waaayyyyy too many hours a week getting a handle on your biz finances. Now you want to shrink that financial focus-time to fifteen minutes or less a day.
If at least 3 of the above got your head nodding, it’s time to turn that Business Blueprint into an easy system for never having to stress about managing your business finances again…
(Pssst: Want to fast-forward things along? Skip the discovery and let us take bookkeeping off your hands by applying here.)
Take a peek into future stages of your Bookkeeping Blueprint:
✔️ The full bookkeeping sweep of services: bookkeeping, accounts payable and accounts receivable, payroll, and sales tax management (that’s hands-free on your end!)
✔️Email support that’s just one click of the “send!” button away
✔️A team of “been doing this for years” accounting pros who believe there is no such thing as a bad question